Myrtle Beach Golfer Returns to Course After Life-Changing Event

April 25, 2018

Your life can change in an instant. Myrtle Beach golfer Victor Furr experienced this when he was involved in a terrifying car crash that caused him to lose his right leg.

Overnight, Furr went from being an avid golfer to being unable to stand or walk without assistance. He wasn’t able to play with his grandkids as easily anymore. He wasn’t able to go out with his buddies and play 18 three to five times a week. He thought his life had changed forever until he met Ted Frick from the Classic Swing Golf School.

Watch as Furr talks about his terrifying accident and the relationship that helped him return to the game he loved.



Victor Furr: It was on July 26th, I was coming back to the beach and this guy came over to my lane, and I had a head-on collision. My foot was broke off and up under my seat. I had to be cut out of my vehicle, and was airlifted to the hospital and spent 48 days there. And then we tried for 32 months to save my foot, but because of an infection, after that period of time we decided to take it off.

The first time I went out to the golf course, I had not been in about three and a half years. A friend came and took me on Father’s Day and he had to help me out of the golf cart, and helped me up onto the tee box, and I swung and then he helped me back in the golf cart. So it was very tough when I first started. I was very discouraged, I didn’t think it would ever happen again, but over time things have gotten better especially because of Ted.

About two years ago, I have a close friend that runs a restaurant and he was starting to play golf and he said he’d been to Ted and that Ted was a great teacher and a great helper with people that have prostheses.

And as soon as I heard that I got on the phone and made a call to come see Ted. And after the first lesson, Ted had to help me in and out of the cart and I couldn’t stand up for just a few minutes. I’d hit maybe two or three balls and then I’d have to sit down. But after we had the lesson, I went back home and practiced what he had given me to work with which wasn’t a lot cause I couldn’t do a lot of things that he gave me to do.

But after the second or third lesson, things started coming around, I got to where I could hit the ball, I had a very hard time chipping the ball cause your prosthesis is only so high. The biggest thing, when he first started, was that I was afraid I would fall cause you don’t have any feeling down there. It’s hard to make yourself go back and make a full swing when you don’t know if you’re gonna be standing when you swing.

Ted had a good answer for that, too. He said, “You’re not gonna fall down. Swing the club!” And once I started getting enough courage to swing the club, everything started coming together a little bit.

Ted Frick: I said, “If this is what the Lord has blessed you with for the rest of your time here on Earth, we’re gonna use it. We’re gonna take advantage of it.” So he knew that I wasn’t gonna work away from it. I was gonna work into it. And then I taught him about going back to things that he had naturally done as an athlete, like hitting down and pushing down on the golf ball.

It was a lot of basics. Just a lot of basic fundamentals, but it was about giving him hope and giving him courage and letting him know that he could do it. No doubt about it. I was excited about it.

Victor: After we got together, he seemed like family almost, because he really took an interest in me. And no matter when I would call and say “Ted, I need you,” he made me an appointment right then, and I came to see him. So, once you have a teacher or an instructor that will work with you, and he can help you when you love something like I love golf and never thought I’d be able to play again, and get me so I can hit a ball a distance again … it was very gratifying with his attitude, and the way he taught me what to do. We got along from the beginning.

Ted: He opened up his heart with me. I could see that he was frustrated. Any time a teacher can help another player enjoy something … My man is back to playing golf. Our journey is just beginning. It’s been two years, but whatever his goals are, we’re just gonna keep on chasing them, aren’t we buddy?

Victor: Exactly.

Ted: Yep.

Victor:  But I have found out through Ted, that sometimes you have a problem or a disability, you’re not a handicapped person. At 70 years old, I’ve got quite a few more good years – and I’m gonna enjoy golf as long as I can!